Bradford entrepreneur follows up world’s smallest mobile phone…

Bradford entrepreneur follows up world’s smallest mobile phone with new product

A BRADFORD entrepreneur who has a flourishing electronics firm in China is bringing a new product to the market.

Proud Bradfordian Shazad Talib, originally from Heaton, runs Zini Mobiles Ltd, which is perhaps best known for its Zanco Tiny range of miniature phones.

Now Mr Talib has spoken to the Telegraph & Argus about his latest creation – Zanco high-quality earphones.

He said the high-quality but affordable product has already been selling well in Asian markets under a white label and will be available shortly in Europe and the US.

“We’ve developed earphones which consist of four drivers – meaning speakers, with two in each ear.

“The sound quality is immaculate. A similar quality product by another company would be selling for £250 – and we are selling ours for around a tenth of that price.

“We are not a greedy company.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Bradford entrepreneur Shazad Talib of Zini Mobiles Ltd with a new product – high-quality, affordable earphones
Bradford entrepreneur Shazad Talib of Zini Mobiles Ltd with a new product – high-quality, affordable earphones (Image: Newsquest)
“We are using the highest quality speakers that you can imagine – which means the sound quality is absolutely awesome. It’s one of my favourite inventions.”

Videos have been shot for the product ahead of the UK launch whilst Mr Talib is in Bradford.

He said while his firm is known for the Tiny range, that is just five per cent of what it produces.

Other products under the Zanco brand include phones targeted towards the elderly, with large, easy-to-use buttons, as well as affordable mobile phones that are sold in countries such as Africa.

Mr Talib, currently visiting family in Bradford, now lives in China where he oversees his company’s work producing a number of different types of mobile phones and products, which are sold throughout the world.

He also spoke of a number of other products in development, including an affordable 5G smartphone and so-called smart sunglasses, where the tint changes at the touch of a button.

He said these were engineering samples that he was able to show the T&A this time.

He also described how he was able to come up with a number of ideas for future inventions during the Covid pandemic as the world was locked down.

It was back in 2016 that the T&A first reported on Mr Talib’s success in China after he set up Zini Mobiles in Shenzhen five years earlier.

Two years later he hit the headlines due to one of his creations, the Tiny T1 – known as the world’s smallest mobile phone.

He added: “We focus on quality and on our products being cost-effective.”